Top 10 Skills Employers are Looking For

1. Communication Skills (Verbal) – Even though written communication is in the top 10, verbal communication is even more valuable to employers. Verbal communication includes listening and speaking and how you communicate can say a lot about you. You can practice these verbal communication skills with peers (or do a mock interview), and then when it is time to execute during an interview you will be prepared.

Effective Communication Skills Training Course

2. Strong Work Ethic – An employee who is motivated to getting the job done and committed to deadlines are prized workers. Going above and beyond the job description will make you stand out and demonstrate that you are a hard worker.

Tips for developing strong work ethic | by KloudLearn | Medium

3. Teamwork Skills– Team projects often arise in the workplace whether we like it or not. Being successful with this skill means working productively with a variety of people, utilizing the various skills within the group, and overcoming any differences between members.

5 Surefire Ways to Master Teamwork Skills – Chanty

4. Analytical Skills – Being able to gather information in order to assess a situation or problem is a highly desirable skill. It might mean visualizing a way to make a procedure more efficient or figuring out how to compromise to make schedules work.

12 Ways to Improve Your Analytical Thinking Skills

5. Initiative – Assessing a situation and taking action before your employer asks not only saves them time with delegating tasks, but shows you can take charge and lead without being asked.

10 ways to get employees to take initiative - HatRabbits

6. Problem Solving Skills – Employers dislike having to micromanage constantly and being interrupted all the time, thus problem solving skills come in handy, especially when it in turn makes you standout.

Success Unlimited Mantra - Blog - Ways to improve your problem solving  skills

7. Communication Skills (Written) – If you can showcase your ability to communicate in your resume and cover letter you will already have shown them you have solid communication skills. Written communication including email, reports, and proposals, are used in an assortment of jobs.

Written communication skills test occ

8. Interpersonal Skills – Being able to communicate and relate effectively with your coworkers is not only beneficial to you but your employer as well. Relationship building with coworkers makes work more enjoyable for you and saves your boss from having to resolve conflicts between employees.

Effective Communication Skills Training Course

9. Computer Skills – According to Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project from 2008, 96% of workers used technology at work, which included online work, email and word processors. Luckily, with school demanding the use of all these technologies, by the time students reach the workplace they already have a solid foundation. In this survey it was reported that computer skills and written communication went hand in hand.

Basic Computer skills for beginners (OFISTIC8) - YouTube

10. Flexibility/Adaptability – Being able to “go with the flow” has many positive attributes with employers, be it shuffling around projects to make sure one gets completed sooner or rescheduling a meeting. Knowing that you will be able to perform even if the day’s schedule gets messed up gives an employer confidence in your abilities as an employee.

Work life balance for your employees and how to achieve it - FactSuite -  Blog

All these skills can easily be displayed in a resume, through the experiences you decide to provide and the use of power verbs. It might give you a leg up if your employer knows you have some of these skills already under your belt.

Source: Collection

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